GOBI – Adding Tracking Code To Your Site

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – Adding Tracking Code To Your Site

When it comes to optimizing your online presence and marketing efforts, tracking the performance of your website and funnels is essential. By adding tracking codes, such as Google Analytics and Facebook pixels, you can gather valuable data and insights. 

In this guide, we’ll explore how to add tracking codes to your GOBI funnels and websites, allowing you to monitor and analyze your results effectively.

Table of Contents

Selecting Your Funnel

Begin by heading over to the ‘Sites’ section of our platform. Here, you’ll find a ‘Funnels’ category. Select the funnel you wish to add the tracking code to. This action will bring up the funnel details on your screen.

Adding Tracking Code To Your Funnel

Next, locate the ‘Settings’ option. This is where you can add the tracking code that will be applicable across your entire funnel. Depending on where your tracking code needs to be placed, choose between the header or the body. Header: If your tracking code needs to be placed in the header, this is where you do it. Body: If your tracking code is supposed to be in the body, you can input it here. Doing so will apply the code across every page within your funnel. Upon completion, the tracking code will be present at every step within your funnel.

Adding Tracking Code To Your Website 

In case you wish to add the tracking code to your website, repeat the same process under ‘Websites’ instead of ‘Funnels’. Here, you can choose between ‘Head Tracking Code’ or ‘Body Tracking Code’ as per your requirement.

Adding Tracking Code To Specific Pages

There might be specific ‘Event’ codes (like Facebook events) that you may want to track on certain pages. Here’s how you can do that: Open the specific page you want to be tracked within the builder section. Navigate to ‘Settings’, and then to ‘Tracking Code’. In this section, you can add your code to the header or the footer of the page as needed.

And there you have it! Your tracking codes have been successfully added to your sites and funnels on GOBI.

Remember, we’re here to help you optimize your GOBI experience. If you have any questions or require further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Happy tracking!


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