Switchy – Link Customization

  1. Overview
  2. SaaS Support
  3. Switchy – Link Customization

You can change how your link appears to your receivers when you send it to them. You can even add preview images/thumbnails.

Instead of having a long and unattractive link (e.x) https://test.obi.services/frm/DCr4jKx4AkihsD6

You can change it to any way you want: https://link.obi.services/demos

Here is what we need for this task to be done:

  • User credentials. Click here on how to share credentials: WHERE TO SEND CREDENTIALS?
  • Images, text, tags, etc. – What image do you want your new link to have as a thumbnail, and what does it say?
    • -Title of your Links and Description of your Links
  • Original Links – What is the link you want to customize?
  • Customize Links – What do you want your link to show?
  • Custom Domain
  • Favicon Links (Optional)
  • UTM TAGS (UTM campaign , UTM Source, UTM Content , UTM Term , and UTM Medium) (OPTIONAL)

**Please note that content creation is now supported by OBI Services. Please visit our Team VA page for more information.

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