Invoice/Subscription Creation

  1. Overview
  2. SuiteDash Support
  3. Invoice/Subscription Creation

We will help you create and set up your customer billings inside your SuiteDash Platform for a more appealing user experience.

Here are the things we will need for this task:

  • Admin User credentials (SuiteDash) to be shared via Dashlane. – Please click here on how to share credentials. Or you can create a staff member using this email: – Please click here on how to create a staff member.
  • Please select what type of invoice you will need:
    • On-Demand
    • Recurring
    • Accumulating
  • Relative due date- When do you require your clients to pay the invoice after it is generated?
  • Content (Item Name, Item Description, Plan, Price, Discount, Tax, with expiry, Billing Cycle)
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Payment Gateways – What are the preferred gateways your clients can use to pay?
  • Currency
  • Flow – When will this invoice be generated, and what happens if it is paid?

**Please note that OBI Services is now supporting content creation. Please visit our Team VA page for more information.

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