What Are The Things To Consider When Creating A Task For Social Media Posting?

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  3. What Are The Things To Consider When Creating A Task For Social Media Posting?

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with millions of people using it on a daily basis to connect with others, share their thoughts and ideas, and keep up with the latest news and trends.

Before we start working on your task, we want to make sure we fully understand your needs and goals in this area.

To complete your tasks, we need some things from you. Here’s a list of them.

  1. What are your goals for social media?
    Knowing your goals will help us understand what you are looking to achieve through social media, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.
  2. Who is your target audience?
    Knowing the target audience will help us determine the appropriate social media platforms to use, the type of content to create, and the tone and style of the messaging.
  3. What is your current social media presence?
    This will help us understand where you currently stand in terms of social media, and what steps need to be taken to improve your social media presence.
  4. What social media platforms are you currently using, and are you happy with the results?
    This will help us understand which platforms are already active and give us the credentials if needed, and what your experience has been with these platforms.
  5. How frequently do you want to post on each platform?
    This is important because it impacts engagement rates and the overall success of the account. Posting too infrequently can make the account appear inactive while posting too often can result in audience fatigue. By understanding your goals and target audience, we can help determine the optimal posting frequency for each platform.
  6. What is your preferred schedule for posting?
    This is important because it helps to ensure that your social media content is consistently published at the right times for your audience. By understanding your preferred schedule, we can help you establish a regular posting cadence, which can lead to improved engagement and growth on your social media channels.
    • Your Preferred Time and/or Day: E.g. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 10 AM EST and 8 PM EST; every day at 8 AM and 5 PM EST.
  7. What Social Media Management Software are you using?
    It’s important for us to know the software used in managing social media platforms because it allows us to understand the tools and technology utilized to manage and optimize social media platforms.
    • OBI Services currently supports RADAAR, Content Studio, GOBI Content Planner, Stori Press, Publer and Metricool. If you have preferred software, we are open to learning it but please take note that we will be using your credits. Also, you can request software here: https://roadmap.obi.services/obi-services
  8. Who are your competitors?
    Knowing your competitors will help us understand what you are up against, and what strategies work for you.
  9. What types of content do you currently produce?
    This will help us understand what type of content resonates with your audience and what can be repurposed.
  10. What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?
    Knowing your USP will help us create content that highlights your unique value proposition and differentiates them from your competitors.
  11. What are your customer pain points, and how do you address them?
    Understanding your customer pain points will help us create content that resonates with your target audience and addresses their specific needs and concerns.
  12. What type of content do you find most engaging or effective?
    Knowing what type of content you find most engaging or effective will help us create content that is more likely to resonate with your target audience.
  13. What is your tone and style of messaging?
    Understanding your tone and style of messaging will help us create content that is consistent with your brand and messaging.
  14. Do you have a sample post or website theme that can be used as a reference for your future posts?
    Providing sample posts can help our editors easily capture your preferred image style and concept.
  15. What are your preferred hashtags?
    Hashtags are important because it helps to optimize the visibility of your social media content and develop a consistent hashtag strategy for increased engagement and reach.
    • Please note that the recommended hashtags are between 3-5 per post. In most social media platforms, if more than 5 hashtags it will be considered spam.
  16. Regarding social media posting, images are also important because they increase engagement rates, and convey information and emotions more effectively than text alone.
    If you would like us to create images for your social media, please refer to this link: What are the Things to Consider When Creating a Ticket for Image Editing?

With these questions, we can ensure that we clearly understand your needs and can deliver social media posts that meet your requirements.

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