GOBI includes a power dialer feature that allows users to automate the order in which calls are made.
You can arrange this by labeling potential customers and including them in a marketing automation sequence.
What is the Power Dialer?
The power dialer helps users on the platform to effectively handle and call potential customers.
To make a Power Dialer, people who use the service need to utilize the workflow tool. This tool shifts potential customers from a sales pipeline to a conversation feature.
Companies can allocate these potential customers to a co-worker's call list.
Sales representatives can then work their way through this call list, moving from one person to another, which saves a significant amount of time.
What Does the Power Dialer Do?
A power dialer is a tool that helps save time. It figures out which potential customers should be called and allows users to give these leads to sales representatives.
Here's how it works:
- When a potential customer shows interest or reaches a stage in the sales process that requires a call, their details move to the conversation section.
- The manager at the agency can then choose a sales rep to call that potential customer.
- Sales reps can load their call list and start making calls.
The main advantage of the power dialer is that it saves agencies a lot of time and offers a way to assign and handle potential customers effectively.