GOBI – Adding And Using Tags

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – Adding And Using Tags

Welcome to our quick guide on utilizing tags within your customer relationship management system. These tags are a powerful tool to segment your database, simplifying targeted outreach and marketing efforts. 

Tags can be your ally, whether you want to email all past customers or a promotional text to those who have shown interest but have yet to purchase. Let’s explore how to use them effectively.

  1. Understanding Tags: Recognize that tags are small pieces of information that can be used to segment your customer base. This could be particularly helpful for targeted outreach, such as sending emails to past customers or promotional texts to prospects who haven’t yet made a purchase.
  2. Viewing Tags: Navigate to your tag list. For this example, we’re using ‘past customers’ and ‘prospects’. Note that if this list is large, tags can help you quickly identify and target specific groups of customers.
  3. Using Quick Search: Utilize the ‘Quick Search’ function to find users with a particular tag. For example, typing ‘prospects’ will show all users with this tag.
  4. Adding Tags:
    • Select the customers you want to tag. For this example, we’re tagging ‘Brad Pitt’, ‘Chris Pratt’, and ‘David Bustle’.
    • Navigate to the top of the record and click on the ‘Add Tag’ button, which looks like a tag with a plus sign.
    • Name the new tag (we’re using ‘awesome’ in this example) and click ‘Add Tag’.
    • Confirm that the new tag has been added to the selected customers by using the ‘Quick Search’ function and typing ‘awesome’.
  5. Removing Tags:
    • Select the customers from whom you want to remove the tag.
    • Click on the ‘Remove Tag’ button, which looks like a tag with an ‘x’.
    • Search for the tag you want to remove (for this example, ‘awesome’) and click ‘Remove Tag’.
    • Confirm that the tag has been removed by using ‘Quick Search’. The customers should no longer appear under this tag.
  6. Getting Creative with Tags: Remember that you can use tags in versatile ways. For example, you can tag customers based on the products they’ve purchased. This will allow you to quickly find all customers who have bought a specific product, which could be useful for targeted promotions in the future.

By following these steps, you should be able to effectively use tags to manage and communicate with different groups of customers on your platform.

And there you have it – a straightforward guide on effectively using tags in your CRM system. Applying these steps allows you to manage and segment your customer base with greater ease and efficiency. 

Remember, the power of tags lies in their flexibility. Don’t hesitate to get creative and use them to suit your unique business needs, such as tagging customers based on their purchased products for future promotions. Happy tagging!

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