GOBI – CRM/Contacts Navigation Overview

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – CRM/Contacts Navigation Overview

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial, which will guide you step-by-step through efficient use of your CRM interface. 

Whether you’re a new or existing user seeking to maximize your CRM’s potential, this tutorial will provide an in-depth understanding of features ranging from contact management to advanced tools such as smart lists, bulk actions, custom fields, and much more.

Click on CONTACTS in the navigation menu on the left of your screen. This opens the CRM interface where users can view and sort their records, and select individual prospects and customers.

Table of Contents

The Main Tabs
  • Smart List: This is a feature that allows users to save lists of customers.
  • Contact Requests And Bulk Actions: These features are useful for managing multiple records or tags at once.
  • Restore: This feature can be used to restore accidentally deleted records. Deleted records can be viewed and restored by clicking on this tab.
  • Managed Smart List: Users can create and manage their smart lists here. They also have the option to rename, copy, and share lists with other accounts.
  • Gear Icon/Custom Fields: The gear icon tab is used to create “Custom Fields” in the CRM. This feature allows users to store specific information. More information about custom fields is available in a separate video which provides a deep dive into setting up and using this feature.
The Sub Tabs

Additional features that are available in the CRM section

  • Plus Icon (Add A Contact): This is used to manually add a contact into the CRM. By clicking on this icon, users can input the name and email of a new contact and save them into the CRM. This function is especially useful when adding a prospect that calls in over the phone.
  • Pipeline Change Icon: This allows users to change the status of selected customers in their pipeline. After setting up pipelines in the system, users can select the customers and quickly adjust their pipeline status.
  • Add To Campaign/Workflow Icon: This enables users to add a group of customers or individual customers to a campaign or workflow. Users can select the customers from their list and then use this icon to add them to their chosen campaign. A box will appear for confirmation, after which users can add the customers to any of their campaigns.
  • Send SMS And Send Email Icons: These provide a quick way for users to send out blasts of messages to customers via text message or email. To use this feature, users can select the customers they want to message from the list (or select all), type their message, and then either send the message immediately or schedule it for later. This feature provides a convenient way to communicate with all or selected customers in bulk.
  • Add A Tag And Remove A Tag Icons: These features allow users to attach or detach tags from their records, which can be useful for sorting and categorizing contacts. Users can add a tag to a group of contacts and later find these contacts by searching for this tag. To add or remove tags, users select the contacts, click the corresponding icon, and follow the provided instructions.
  • Delete Contacts Icon: This function enables users to delete a record from their CRM system. Users select the record/contact and click the Delete Contacts icon to remove the contact from the system.
  • Send Review Requests Icon: This tool allows users to request reviews from their contacts. Once the user has set up their reputation and review messaging, they can select a contact and send a customized review request. This feature can be beneficial when trying to accumulate reviews on platforms like Google My Business or Facebook.
  • Export Contacts And Import Contacts Icons: These features enable users to either import lists in bulk or export their data from the CRM platform. The speaker references another video that offers a detailed guide on how to correctly format files for these processes and how to effortlessly export data.
  • Merge Contacts Icon: This function allows users to merge two or more contacts into one, which can be helpful if a contact has been recorded more than once with different pieces of information. By selecting the contacts to be merged and clicking the Merge Data button, users can consolidate all the information into one record.
  • Columns And Search Panel: These tools are located on the right side of the interface, and they allow users to fully leverage segmentation within their contact list. Users can use the quick search function to look for specific contacts or groups of contacts based on their name, phone number, or assigned tags.
Contact Management Details

Click a record/contact to view its details. Contained on this page are:

  • The Contact Tab: Once you click on a specific prospect/contact in the CRM, a Contact tab on the left displays their personal information such as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER, and DATE OF BIRTH. This tab also shows any tags added to the contact, and whether the contact is a lead or a customer. There’s an option to opt them out of marketing if needed. If the CRM is set up with offers for membership or products, these can be added to the contact directly from this tab. There are also options to add a contact to a campaign, workflow, or opportunity in your pipeline.
  • General Info Tab: This section houses additional basic information about a contact, such as their website and business address.
  • ADDITION TAB: This is a customizable field section where the additional relevant information for the business can be stored. This section can be personalized to meet specific business needs.
  • Conversation History: Located in the center of the screen, this section shows the chronological history of all communication with a prospect/contact, including text messages, ringless voicemails, and emails. It’s helpful to see a detailed history of communications, whether it’s for support, sales messages, or responses from the prospect.
  • Activity Tab: On the right side of the CRM, the Activity tab tracks and logs the prospect’s activity on your website and ad campaigns, provided you have integrated the CRM with social networks like Facebook. This is useful for understanding the prospect/contact’s interests, the web pages they visited, and the actions they performed on your website.
  • Tasks Tab: The Tasks tab allows you to set reminders and assign tasks within your team. Tasks have fields such as TITLE, DESCRIPTION, ASSIGN TO, and DUE DATE. You can also assign tasks to other people in your organization, who then receive a notification in their CRM dashboard.
  • Notes Tab: The Notes tab is a helpful feature to keep a history of notes about a prospect. You can jot down details about the prospect/contact that may be relevant for future interactions. This is especially useful in sales, where you might need to remember certain details or previous conversations.
  • Appointments Tab: This tab shows a history of the prospect’s appointments if you have a calendar set up. It provides an overview of past meetings or appointments with the prospect/contact.
  • Message/Email Editor Text Box: Positioned in the bottom center, this tool allows for direct, one-to-one communication with prospects. You can send text messages, emails, or even Facebook messages (if integrated). The Editor’s functionality enables quick responses to the prospects you’re dealing with.
    • Template Feature: Located below the Message/Email Editor, this feature is designed to increase efficiency when dealing with common inquiries. It enables you to create pre-formatted templates for frequent questions or requests, such as queries about your business hours, location, pricing, or general information. Instead of typing responses each time, you can simply click the USE A TEMPLATE button, select a relevant template from the dropdown menu, and then click SEND.

We have reached the end of our tutorial, and you are now equipped with the necessary knowledge to make the most of your CRM interface. Understanding these features will not only help you manage your contacts effectively but also enhance your overall interaction with your prospects and customers. 

Remember, staying organized and effectively communicating is key to a successful business. With all its features and tools, your CRM interface is designed to support you in achieving these goals. We hope this tutorial has been helpful. Happy managing!


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