GOBI – Calendar Overview

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – Calendar Overview

Welcome to our quick and easy guide to setting up a business calendar on our platform! A business calendar can enhance productivity, manage appointments, and organize schedules. 

This tutorial will guide you through each step to ensure you can take full advantage of our calendar features.

  1. Navigate to the calendar section: Find the “Calendar” section on the platform’s left-hand panel.
  2. Check your existing calendars: Look under the “My Calendars” dropdown for any existing calendars.
  3. Edit calendar preferences:
    • Click “Calendar Preferences”.
    • Choose your “Start Day (Calendar View)”.
    • Choose the language of your calendar under the “Widget Language” dropdown.
    • Select your preferred time format.
  4. Create a new calendar:
    • Click on “+New Calendar”.
    • Fill out the “Name” box for the calendar.
    • Fill out the “Description” box.
    • Fill out the “Appointment Title” box.
    • Specify the “Meeting Location”.
    • Choose the event color.
    • If available, link your calendars in the “Link to Calendar” dropdown.
    • Choose your sync option in the “Sync option” dropdown.
  5. Configure availability settings:
    • Set “Slot duration”. Select “Slot interval”.
    • Determine “Buffer duration between appointment”.
    • Set up “appointments per slot” and “appointments per day”.
    • Specify the “Minimum Scheduling Notice”.
    • Set the “date range”.
    • Input your “Office hours”.
  6. Set up confirmation details:
    • Select a form under “Custom Form” if available.
    • Determine if you want the Calendar to auto confirm your appointments.
    • Set up an alert email address under “New Appointment Alert emails”.
    • Write additional notes in the “Additional note” box.
    • Add a Facebook Pixel ID and Custom Code if desired.
  7. Configure form submission settings:
    • Write a “Thank you” message for form submissions.
  8. Save and test your calendar:
    • Click “Complete” and check the functionality of your calendar using the provided link.
  9. Embed the calendar on your website:
    • Go to the “Sites” section.
    • Open the desired page and click “Edit Page”.
    • Add a new section with the “+” button.
    • Add the Calendar element and select your newly created calendar.

Remember: To save any changes made during the process and test the calendar functionality after each major step.

Congratulations, you’ve now successfully set up a business calendar on your platform! By following these steps, you’ve created an efficient way for you and your clients to manage appointments and schedule events. This streamlined system will save you time and increase your productivity.

Calendars are a powerful tool for any business, and now you’re equipped to use it effectively. Explore our platform for more tools and features that can help boost your business operations.

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