Platform Branding

We will help you set up your SuiteDash Account Platform Branding for a more customized user experience.

Here are the things we will need for this task:

  1. Admin User Credentials (SuiteDash) to be shared via Dashlane -Please click here on how to share credentials.
  2. Or you can create a staff member using this email: – Please click here on how to create a staff member.

Dashboard Logo and Mobile-Friendly Logo must have High Resolution and could be in .png format.

Platform Colors: a. Primary Colors (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes) b. Primary Nav Text Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes) c. Primary Nav Icon Color – for Menu/page Icons (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)

Enable Background Color Controls (Choose YES or NO) -If Yes, please pick: Darken, Lighten, Custom [Give Brand Colors Hex Codes] and None)


UI/UX Elements [Enable ‘Modern Mode’] (Choose YES or NO)

Registration Background Image must have high resolution. For best results width should be around 2560px and max-height should be around 1440px. File size limit is 2MB.

Registration Color Controls:

  • Registration Text Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)
  • Button Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)
  • Button Text Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)
  • Form Background Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)

Custom Loader Settings:

  • Loader Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)
  • Background Color (Give Brand Colors Hex Codes)
  • Background Animation
  • Loader Width
  • Loader Max Width
  • Loader Animation or Image
    • If Loader Animation please pick one:

  • Image Static
  • Image Loading
  • Image Rotating
  • Image Spinning
  • Image Beating
  • Drawing Frame

-If Image please provide one.

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