Set Up Email Branding

  1. Overview
  2. SuiteDash Support
  3. Set Up Email Branding

We will help you set up your SuiteDash platform email branding for a more customized user experience.

Here are the things we will need for this task:

  • Admin User credentials (SuiteDash) are to be shared via Dashlane. – Please click here on how to share credentials. Or you can create a staff member using this email: – Please click here on how to create a staff member:
  • Email Logos – The main logo for the email you will send out.
  • Social Media Links – The links you want to place at the bottom of your email campaigns.
  • From Name/ Company Name – What do you want your users to see who the email is from?

**Please note that OBI Services is now supporting content creation. Please visit our Team VA page for more information.

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