We will help you set up your SuiteDash Account email audiences for a more customized user experience.
Here are the things we will need for this task:
- Admin User credentials (SuiteDash) are to be shared via Dashlane. – Please click here on how to share credentials: Or you can create a staff member using this email: tech@obi.services – Please click here on how to create a staff member:
- Audience Name – What would you want to name this group of recipients for easier filtering and sending?
- CSV File – If your desired recipients are not yet on your SuiteDash CRM, we can upload a CSV file and create an email audience. You can send email campaigns without them creating a portal.
- Circle Name – Your desired recipients are in a specific circle.
- Contact Names – Your desired recipients in the portal.
**Please note that content creation is now supported by OBI Services. Please visit our Team VA page for more information.