GOBI – Bulk Sending SMS & Emails

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – Bulk Sending SMS & Emails

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial, where we will delve into managing and communicating with your contacts via SMS and emails.  We’ll explore the intricacies of sorting your contacts, selecting recipients, deciding on your message medium, and sending out your messages.

We’ll also touch on creating and sending HTML emails, allowing you to enhance your messages visually. Mastering these steps will empower you to tailor and schedule your communication effectively, making your interaction with your contacts more organized and personalized.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

For Sending SMS
  1. After clicking the SMS Icon, a dropdown will appear showing all the contacts selected for the message. Click Ok to proceed.
  2. Write your text message in the provided space.
  3. Decide if you want to send all messages at once or spread them out over time (also known as “drip messaging”).

Once you’re satisfied with your message and schedule, click SEND SMS to send the text messages.

For Sending Emails
  1. After clicking the Send Email Icon, a dropdown will appear showing all the contacts selected for the email. Click OK, PROCEED.
  2. Compose your email. Make sure to fill out the From NameFrom Address, and Email Subject fields. If you have pre-made templates, feel free to use them here.
  3. Just like with SMS, decide if you want to send all emails at once or drip them over a certain period.
  4. Once your email is ready to go, click Send Email.
Creating And Sending HTML Emails
  1. On the left side of your Dashboard is the navigation menu. Locate and click Email Marketing. This will take you to the Email Marketing Section.
  2. Click the Create Email button on the upper right. This will open the Email Builder which includes the option to create HTML emails.
  3. Decide on the format of your email. While text emails can have better delivery rates, HTML emails allow you to include visually appealing elements like images and different layouts. You can either choose a pre-existing email template, start from Blank, or Import your own HTML.
  4. After choosing a template or starting from scratch, you can begin to edit the content. You can add or edit text, add images, change layouts, etc.
    • To add an image, click on the image icon and drag it into the desired location in your email. Click on the image to replace or remove it, and you can also search in your media library or upload a new image.
  5. Customize the email layout as desired. You can drag in multiple columns and other elements to make your email more engaging.
  6. Once you’ve finished designing your email, click on the Settings tab, located in the center of the top panel. Here, you can specify the From NameFrom AddressSubject LinePreview Text, and Template Name.
  7. If you’d like to save your email as a template for future use, give it a name under Template Name, then click Save.
  8. Next, navigate to the Send And Schedule tab, which is located to the right of the “Settings” tab. Here, you’ll choose the recipients of your email.
    • If you have Smart Lists set up, you can select the appropriate list. Alternatively, you can search for individual contacts or simply choose to send to all contacts.
    • If you want to use a smart list (e.g., a list of contacts in a specific area), select it and the contacts will be added automatically.
  9. On the right half of the screen, decide if you want to send the email immediately, schedule it for later, or send it in drip mode.

Once you’ve decided when to send, click Review And Send. This will allow you to review the email and all its information before sending it.

Remember, saving your email as a template allows you to reuse it for future blasts. This is especially useful for creating a collection of templates for different scenarios (e.g., support emails, prospecting emails) that can be sent out quickly when needed.

And there you have it! You have mastered the steps to effectively manage and communicate with your contacts.

With your newfound understanding of how to send both SMS and emails and create visually appealing HTML emails, you can now engage your contacts in a more personalized and impactful manner. Happy messaging!


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