GOBI – Navigation Overview

  1. Overview
  2. GOBI
  3. GOBI – Navigation Overview

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial that walks you through the ins and outs of our platform, making your first login a breeze. 

In this guide, we’ll delve into our platform’s various sections and features, including the Launchpad, Dashboard, Conversations Section, CRM, Payments, Email Marketing, Automation, and more. 

Whether you’re integrating your social media accounts, setting up payments, communicating with prospects, managing your reputation, or analyzing reports, our platform is designed to streamline and enhance your business operations.


Login To The Platform

When you first log in, you’ll either land on the LAUNCHPAD or the DASHBOARD.

The Launchpad
  • This is a quick-start section designed to get you up and running swiftly.
  • Here, you can integrate your social media accounts and Google My Business.
  • There’s also an option to download the mobile app to access leads on the go.
  • You can integrate with Stripe for payment processing.
  • Utilize this section to seamlessly incorporate what you already have.
Navigation Menu

Located on the left side of your screen contains the list of the available features of the platform.

They are listed below ordered from top to bottom:

The Dashboard
  1. The Dashboard gives you a broad overview of your activity on the platform.
  2. Once operational, the Dashboard will display information about incoming leads, conversions, ad campaigns, and the overall value being created.
User And Tasks On Dashboard
  1. Under Users, you will be able to manage user accounts linked to the platform.
  2. The Tasks section provides reminders and actions based on the user that’s logged in. It will update with necessary actions, ensuring smooth operations.
  3. NOTE: The tasks may vary based on the user, be it a member of the sales team or the business owner.
The Conversations Section
  1. This area is designed for two-way communication between you and your prospects.
  2. The Conversations section populates as people are added to campaigns, fill out web forms, or engage in web chats.
  3. You can view the history of communication with each individual prospect.
The Conversations Section Sorting Tabs
  1. The “All” tab shows all the communication going back and forth with all of your leads.
  2. The “Unread” tab allows you to focus on who’s responding, letting you concentrate on individuals rather than everybody.
  3. The “Recent message” tab allows you to segment based on the most recent interactions.
Respond To Prospects
  1. In the Conversation section, once a prospect is in a conversation, you can use the provided box to quickly respond.
  2. You can set up templates with pre-written messages that are common and relevant to your business for fast messaging.
The Calendars Section
  1. Use this section for setting up appointments, whether they’re Zoom calls or in-person meetings.
  2. Once your calendars are set up and integrated with your website, any interactions will populate here under the Appointments and Calendars tab.
The Calendar And Appointments Tabs
  1. The “Calendar” tab shows a view of your scheduled appointments.
  2. The “Appointments” tab allows you to view all your appointments. You can segment this by monthly and weekly views.
  3. The Calendar settings tab is where you can edit your calendars and create new ones.
The CRM Or Contacts Section
  1. The section has several tabs, including Smart List, Contact Request, Bulk Actions, Restore, and Manage Smart List.
  2. Use this area to store all of your prospects and customers’ information.
  3. Import your current customer or prospect databases into the system using a CSV file.
  4. Click on prospects to view all their information.
  5. Add tags to sort prospects and create custom fields for storing information relevant to your business.
  6. Save tasks, and notes, and create appointments in this section.
The Quick Messages Feature
  1. You can segment your list, for example, sort all of your prospects, and then send them quick text messages or emails.
  2. Add sorted contacts to specific campaigns.
The Opportunities Section
  1. This is like a pipeline or workflow process where you create different milestones for your prospects.
  2. As prospects progress, they’ll populate these sections, allowing you to quickly see where people are in the process.
  3. This tool is helpful for sales to find quick opportunities and reminders for follow-ups.
Track The Support Pipeline
  1. In this example, a support pipeline is used. As people submit tickets, they appear under “Ticket submitted”.
  2. As you work on them, you can drag them to “Working on the issue”, and once resolved, drag them to “Resolved”.
  3. This allows you to quickly see where everybody is in the process and identify any urgent issues.
The Payments Section
  1. The section has several tabs, including Products, Transactions, and Integrations.
  2. This area is for adding products and creating transactions, especially useful if you have websites and funnels selling different services or products.
  3. You can integrate payment systems like Stripe and PayPal to process payments.
The Email Marketing Section
  1. This section contains Email Builder, Templates, Trigger Links, and HTML Builder tabs.
  2. Use this area to create full, beautiful HTML emails, import existing HTML emails, or use the built-in builder that comes with customizable templates.
  3. Create email templates to readily send out to prospects.
The Automation Section
  1. This is where you create workflows to automate interactions with prospects.
  2. Automate tasks such as sending emails, text messages, or ringless voicemails.
  3. Build complex follow-up systems that respond dynamically based on customer actions. For example, send different messages depending on whether a customer responds or not.
  4. Use pre-created workflows, like a missed call text back program, which automatically responds to missed calls.
The Sites Section
  1. This section includes Funnels, Websites, Memberships, Forms, Surveys, Chat Widget, Media, and URL Redirects tabs.
  2. You can create multi-step funnels, websites, memberships, forms, and surveys here, all integrated into the platform.
  3. Set up your chat widget, which can be added to any of your funnels or websites, or even external sites like a WordPress blog.
  4. When visitors interact with the chat widget, it captures the conversation into your CRM.
The Website Builder
  1. The platform features an easy-to-use website builder.
  2. Detailed lessons are available to help you build visually appealing funnels and websites.
The Reputation Section
  1. The tabs here include OVERVIEW, REQUEST, REVIEWS, and LISTINGS.
  2. As a small business owner, managing your reputation is vital. Use this section to send out review requests to prospects and customers.
  3. Track the number of review requests sent, and average rating, and read the reviews under REVIEWS RECEIVED panel.
  4. You can identify trends based on positive or negative reviews and take necessary actions.
Manage Listings

Use LISTINGS to manage your online listing service to get set up on various platforms.

The Reporting Section
  2. This helps you assess the effectiveness of your campaigns. You can see how well your ads are converting and how your campaigns are performing overall. Note that this feature becomes useful as you start running campaigns and generating data.
  3. The Call Reporting and Agent Reporting tabs help you monitor your sales reps’ performance if these features are in use in your business.
The Settings Section
  1. This section allows you to customize your business to the platform.
  2. You can set up your company information, change your phone numbers, and make various settings such as adding users, setting up calendars, importing phone numbers, and domains, etc.
  3. You also have the option to set up custom values and fields in this section.

We hope this tutorial has given you a robust understanding of our platform, offering you a smooth start and the tools needed to manage your business more efficiently. Remember, every feature on our platform has been designed with your convenience and business growth in mind. 

So take full advantage of these tools and set your business on the path to unprecedented success. Happy navigating, and here’s to your business scaling new heights with our comprehensive and user-friendly platform!



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