GOBI – Pipelines Overview

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  3. GOBI – Pipelines Overview

Welcome to this tutorial on effectively managing your sales process using the “Opportunities” tab. This feature allows you to track and organize prospects throughout your sales journey. 

By leveraging this tab, you can quickly identify where prospects are in your process and ensure that no opportunity falls through the cracks.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Accessing The Opportunities Tab 

First, navigate to your business management tool or CRM software. Locate the “Opportunities” tab, which is specifically designed to help you manage your sales process efficiently. Click on it to open the “Opportunities” dashboard.

Customizing Your Pipeline

The “Opportunities” tab offers customizable pipelines to align with your specific business needs. Each stage in the pipeline represents a step in your sales process, such as leads, appointments, proposals, and closures. To create your custom pipeline, click on the “Settings” or “Customize Pipeline” button. Rename the stages according to your terminology and arrange them in the desired order.

Adding Prospects To The Pipeline

To begin managing your prospects, add them to the appropriate stages in the pipeline. Start by identifying the first stage where prospects enter your process, often referred to as the “Lead” stage. Locate the “Leads” section or a similar term in your pipeline, and click on the “Add New Lead” button. Fill in the relevant details, such as contact information, and save the lead’s profile.

Tracking Prospect Progress

As you engage with your prospects, update their progress in the pipeline. For example, when you call a lead and schedule an appointment, drag and drop their profile from the “Leads” section to the “Appointments” section within the pipeline. This action visually represents that the prospect has moved to the next stage, eliminating the need to manually remember their status.

Monitoring Opportunities At A Glance

The beauty of the Opportunities tab is its ability to provide you with a comprehensive overview of your prospects’ statuses. By glancing at the Opportunities dashboard, you can quickly see which prospects are in which stages of the sales process. This allows you to prioritize follow-ups and manage your time effectively.

Scaling With A Growing Prospect Base

As your business expands and you accumulate a larger number of prospects, the Opportunities tab becomes increasingly valuable. It ensures that you don’t overlook any opportunities and aids in maintaining a systematic approach to managing your sales process.


You have now learned to effectively utilize the “Opportunities” tab to manage your sales process. 

By customizing your pipeline stages, tracking prospect progress, and monitoring opportunities at a glance, you can streamline your workflow and maximize your sales potential.


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